Note that in JsLIGO modules are called
Modules are a programming language construction that allows us to package related definitions together. A canonical example of a module is a data type and associated operations over it (e.g. stacks or queues). The rest of the program can access these definitions in a regular and abstract way, providing maintainability, reusability and safety.
For a concrete example, we could create a module that packages a type that represents amounts in a particular currency together with functions that manipulate these amounts: constants, addition, subtraction, etc. A piece of code that uses this module can be agnostic concerning how the type is actually represented inside the module: it is said to be abstract.
Declaring Modules
Modules are introduced using the module
keyword. For example, the
following code defines a module EURO
that packages together a type,
called t
, together with an operation add
that sums two values of
the given currency, as well as constants for zero and one.
module EURO =
type t = nat
let add (a , b : t * t) : t = a + b
let zero : t = 0n
let one : t = 1n
As we can see, in CameLIGO we also use a struct ... end
block to
group together the definitions made in the module.
Modules are introduced using the namespace
keyword. For example, the
following code defines a module EURO
that packages together a type,
called t
, together with an operation add
that sums two values of
the given currency, as well as constants for zero and one.
namespace EURO {
export type t = nat;
export const add = (a: t, b: t) : t => a + b;
export const zero: t = 0n;
export const one: t = 1n
In this example you will also notice the export
keyword. A statement
within a module can be accessed from outside the module if it is
Using Modules
We can access a module's components by using the selection operator
. Let us suppose that our storage keeps a value in euros using the
previously defined module EURO
. Then, we can write a main
point that increments the storage value each time it is called.
type storage = EURO.t
let main (_action : unit) (store : storage) : operation list * storage =
[], EURO.add (store,
type storage = EURO.t;
let main = (_action: unit, store: storage): [list<operation>, storage] =>
[list([]), EURO.add (store,];
In principle, we could change the implementation of EURO
, without
having to change the storage
type or the function main
. For
example, if we decide later that we should support manipulating
negative values, we could change EURO
as follows:
module EURO =
type t = int
let add (a, b : t * t) : t = a + b
let zero : t = 0
let one : t = 1
namespace EURO {
export type t = int;
export const add = (a: t, b: t) : t => a + b;
export const zero: t = 0;
export const one: t = 1;
Notice that the code in main
still works, and no change is
needed. Abstraction accomplished!
⚠️ Please note that code using the module
might still break the abstraction if it directly uses the underlying representation ofEURO.t
. Client code should always try to respect the interface provided by the module, and not make assumptions on its current underlying representation (e.g.EURO.t
is a transparent alias ofnat
; future versons of LIGO might make this an opaque/abstract type).
Nested Modules: Sub-Modules
Modules can be nested, which means that we can define a module inside
another module. Let's see how that works, and define a variant of
in which the constants are all grouped inside using a sub-module.
module EURO =
type t = nat
let add (a, b : t * t) : t = a + b
module CONST =
let zero : t = 0n
let one : t = 1n
namespace EURO {
export type t = nat;
export let add = (a: t, b: t): t => a + b;
export namespace CONST {
export let zero: t = 0n;
export let one: t = 1n;
To access nested modules we simply apply the selection operator more than once:
type storage = EURO.t
let main (_action : unit) (store : storage) : operation list * storage =
[], EURO.add (store,
type storage = EURO.t;
let main = (_action: unit, store: storage) : [list<operation>, storage] =>
[list([]), EURO.add (store,]
Modules and Imports: Build System
Modules also allow us to separate our code in different files: when we import a file, we obtain a module encapsulating all the definitions in it. This will become very handy for organising large contracts, as we can divide it into different files, and the module system keeps the naming space clean.
Generally, we will take a set of definitions that can be naturally grouped by functionality, and put them together in a separate file.
For example, in CameLIGO, we can create a file imported.mligo
type t = nat
let add (a , b : t * t) : t = a + b
let zero : t = 0n
let one : t = 1n
For example, in JsLIGO, we can create a file imported.jsligo
export type t = nat;
export const add = (a: t, b: t): t => a + b;
export const zero: t = 0n;
export const one: t = 1n;
Later, in another file, we can import imported.mligo
as a module, and
use its definitions. For example, we could create a importer.mligo
that imports all definitions from imported.mligo
as the module
#import "gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/imported.mligo" "EURO"
type storage = EURO.t
let main (_action : unit) (store : storage) : operation list * storage =
([], EURO.add(store,
Later, in another file, we can import imported.jsligo
as a module, and
use its definitions. For example, we could create a importer.jsligo
that imports all definitions from imported.jsligo
as the module
#import "gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/imported.jsligo" "EURO"
type storage = EURO.t;
const main = (_action: unit, store: storage): [list<operation>, storage] =>
[list([]), EURO.add(store,];
We can compile the file that uses the #import
statement directly,
without having to mention the imported file.
ligo compile contract --library . gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/importer.mligo
ligo compile contract --library . gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/importer.jsligo
Module Aliases
LIGO supports module aliases, that is, modules that work as synonyms to other (previously defined) modules. This feature can be useful if we could implement a module using a previously defined one, but in the future, we might need to change it.
import US_DOLLAR = EURO;
Modules as Contracts
When a module contains declarations that are tagged with the attribute
, then a contract can be obtained from such module. All
declarations in the module tagged as @entry
are grouped, and a
dispatcher contract is generated.
module C = struct
[@entry] let increment (p : int) (s : int) : operation list * int = [], s + p
[@entry] let decrement (p : int) (s : int) : operation list * int = [], s - p
When a module contains declarations that are tagged with the @entry
decorator, then a contract can be obtained from such module. All
declarations in the module tagged as @entry
are grouped, and a
dispatcher contract is generated.
namespace C {
const increment = (p : int, s : int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), s + p];
const decrement = (p : int, s : int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), s - p];
A module can be compiled as a contract using -m
ligo compile contract gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/contract.mligo -m C
ligo compile contract gitlab-pages/docs/language-basics/src/modules/contract.jsligo -m C
To access the contract from the module, the primitive contract_of
can be used. The type of the parameter generated for the module can be
obtaining using the primitive parameter_of
. This is particularly
useful when working with the testing framework, in conjunction with the
function Test.originate
let test =
let orig = Test.originate (contract_of C) 0 0tez in
let _ = Test.transfer_exn orig.addr (Increment 42) 0tez
in assert (42 = Test.get_storage orig.addr)
const test = do {
let orig = Test.originate(contract_of(C), 0, 0tez);
Test.transfer_exn(orig.addr, (Increment (42)), 1mutez);
return assert(Test.get_storage(orig.addr) == 42);
Module Inclusion
When writing a new version of a given contract derived from a module, it is often needed to add new features, that is, new types and values, for example when implementing the next version of a standard. This can be achieved by defining a new module that includes the types and values of the old one, and defines new ones.
The inclusion of a module M
is specified with a field include M
like so:
module FA0 = struct
type t = unit
[@entry] let transfer (_ : unit) (_ : t) : operation list * t = [], ()
module FA0Ext = struct
include FA0
[@entry] let transfer2 (a : unit) (b : t) = transfer a b
This feature is not available in JsLIGO.
Module Types
Until now, we dealt with implicit module types, also know as signatures. Having explicitly declared module types enable abstraction and reusability by inclusion of signatures. Module types are defined like in OCaml:
module type FA0_SIG = sig
type t
[@entry] val transfer : unit -> t -> operation list * t
module type FA0Ext_SIG = sig
include FA0_SIG
[@entry] val transfer2 : unit -> t -> operation list * t
Notice how t
in the type of transfer2
refers to t
in the
signature FA0_SIG
and remains abstract. We can now revisit the
examples above by constraining the module definitions with the module
module FA0 : FA0_SIG = struct
type t = unit
[@entry] let transfer (_ : unit) (_ : t) : operation list * t = [], ()
module FA0Ext : FA0Ext_SIG = struct
include FA0
[@entry] let transfer2 (a : unit) (b : t) = transfer a b
Note how module definitions must instantiate any abstract type (here
). Also, when a module is constrained by a signature, it
must implement the types and values in the latter, but no more: this
is a filtering semantics.
Until now, we dealt with implicit types of namespaces, also know as
interfaces. Having explicitly declared interface enable more
expressivity and type safety. Interfaces are introduced by the keyword
and their bodies lists names of types and values paired
with their type, like so:
interface FA0_INTF {
type storage;
@entry const add : (s : int, k : storage) => [list<operation>, storage];
An interface can then be used to constrain a namespace definition, ensuring that said namespace contains at least the types and values listed in the given interface, like so:
namespace FA0 implements FA0_INTF {
type storage = int;
@entry const add = (s : int, k : int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), s + k];
@entry const extra = (s : int, k : int) : [list<operation>, int] => [list([]), s - k];
Interfaces can be extended by inheritance, like so:
interface FABase_INTF {
type t;
interface FA0_INTF extends FABase_INTF {
@entry const transfer : (_u : unit, s : t) => [list<operation>, t];
interface FA0Ext_INTF extends FA0_INTF {
@entry const transfer1 : (_u : unit, s : t) => [list<operation>, t];
interface FA1_INTF extends FABase_INTF {
@entry const transfer2 : (_u : unit, s : t) => [list<operation>, t];
Note how the abstract type t
in FABase_INTF
remains abstract.
It is possible to design diamond inheritance, that is, inheriting twice the same base interface, like so:
interface FAAll_INTF extends FA0Ext_INTF, FA1_INTF {
@entry const transfer3 : (_u : unit, s : t) => [list<operation>, t];
@view const v1 : (_u : unit, s : t) => t;
@entry const opt_val? : (i : int, s : t) => [list<operation>, t];
Here, the abstract type t
was inherited twice from
. Note the optional value opt_val
, distinghished as
such by a question mark: opt_val?
. This means that a namespace
implementing FAAll_INTF
can choose not to implement
. The implementation of an interface can be done as follows:
namespace FAAll_wo_opt_val implements FAAll_INTF {
type t = int;
@entry const transfer = (_u : unit, s : t) : [list<operation>, t] => [list([]), s];
@entry const transfer1 = (_u : unit, s : t) : [list<operation>, t] => [list([]), s];
@entry const transfer2 = (_u : unit, s : t) : [list<operation>, t] => [list([]), s];
@entry const transfer3 = (_u : unit, s : t) : [list<operation>, t] => [list([]), s];
@view const v1 = (_u : unit, s : t) : t => s;
/* "foo", "transfer4" and "v2" are not in "FAAll_INTF", but can
nevertheless be added here, because "implements" does not filter,
but only have the compiler check that the fields in the interface
are implemented. */
export const foo = (s : t) : t => s;
@entry const transfer4 = (_u : unit, s : t) : [list<operation>, t] => [list([]), s];
@view const v2 = (_u : unit, s : t) : t => s;